The prices of works of art depend on many factors, not least of which are their uniqueness in comparison with other works of masters of a similar direction, as well as the likelihood that the name of this particular artist will go down in history. Real art costs as much as people are willing to pay for it , so at art auctions the cost of individual works is truly grandiose sums.
We must not forget that with the passage of time, destroying everything material, from a particular era, fewer and fewer monuments remain, and collectors can pay even more for the preserved rarities.
For modern painting, the pricing factors become somewhat different
The education of the artist, his prestige in art circles, popularity with the general public, and purchaseability among famous people are taken into account. Auction houses, calculating the cost of works by contemporary artists, consider the sales figures of the author on average for 4-5 years.
For more sophisticated buyers, important points affecting the cost of a painting are impeccable quality, rarity of the work, history and conditions of its acquisition. Modern authors, naturally, reflect today’s realities in their work, this expresses the cultural role of painting.
The listed factors are quite subjective and work in relation to a specific work, but do not forget that the price of work cannot but depend on the general level of welfare of the country; This is especially true for those artists who have not yet gone beyond the level of the national art market.
In general, there are three main components that form the value of a painting: technical condition, artistic value from the point of view of art history, and the prestige of the artist. If we consider two authors, approximately equally strong in level and working in similar genres, we can see that the cost of their work differs depending on whether the artist participated in auctions, exhibitions, whether he has titles and awards.
Each personal exhibition or entry into a new catalog increases the cost of work by an average of 10-20%.
Young artists sometimes forget about this, setting unreasonably high prices for their work, focusing on the prices of artists who have already created a name in certain circles. The buyer, evaluating the work, also looks at the reviews about the artist, looks for articles that mention him, consults with gallery owners and art critics; information about already sold paintings plays a significant role.
The artist’s name is widely known, but his painting is far from so good and if there are pests like spider mites services like pest control help. As a rule, there is a situation of investing a lot of money in a particular author, and in this case the artist receives a much smaller share of the sale of his works. that the artist’s name is widely known, but his painting is far from so good. As a rule, there is a situation of investing a lot of money in a particular author, and in this case the artist receives a much smaller share of the sale of his works.
Novice collectors today have a unique opportunity to make a profitable investment.
Buying works of modern good artists at low prices. In the future, the price of such works may rise 4-5 times, provided that the collector shows the abilities of a promoter. The chance to become a philanthropist and increase your funds is more real in relation to contemporary art.